Free for Members
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24 Results
Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Criminal Record Clearing (In Person, 1.50 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.50 0.00 This program will teach practitioners everything you need to know about Expungements, Sealings, and Pardons in the State of Illinois. This event is co-sponsored by The Chicago Bar Association, North Suburban Bar Association, and Arab American Bar Association of Illinois. (IN PERSON SEMINAR)
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits No Record, No Case: Building a Trial Record That Stands (On Demand Webcast, 2.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 2.00 0.00 At this program you will learn how to create a proper trial record that will result in greater success before courts of review. (HYBRID SEMINAR)
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Judicial Insights with Judge Gabriel Fuentes (On Demand Webcast, 0.75 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 0.75 0.00 The Judicial Insights series strives to provide lawyers with the unique opportunity to hear from a member of the bench in an intimate setting. This installment of the program will feature U.S. Magistrate Judge Gabriel A. Fuentes, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Natural Hair and the Law (On Demand Webcast, 1.25 IL Diversity/Inclusion PR MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.25 0.00 The CBA’s 2024 Black History Month program will spotlight natural hair and the law. Featured speaker, author, Tracy Sanders Rucker, Esq., will be joined by a panel who will share their perspectives on the Illinois Crown Act that went into effect on January 1, 2023, and which prohibits employers and public schools from banning natural black hairstyles.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Connecting to the Community through Pro Bono (on demand webcast, 1.25 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.25 0.00 Learn some of the many ways pro bono can take you out into communities in Chicago and suburbs, connecting to and helping people in need where they are and building stronger connections with your pro bono colleagues in the process. (HYBRID SEMINAR)
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Safeguarding Democracy (On Demand webcast, 1.25 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.25 0.00 The right to vote is fundamental to our democracy, but voters often encounter challenges that can improperly imperil their ability to exercise their right. Learn from this distinguished panel about the current state of the law, the types of challenges that can arise for voters, and how you can volunteer to help protect the right to vote through the nonpartisan Election Protection program. (HYBRID SEMINAR)
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits The Basics of CBA Legislative Advocacy (on demand, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Attend this seminar to learn more about Illinois legislative process, including the type of legislation that is typically proposed, how to gage its impact on your practice area, and how to present proposed legislation for review to the CBA’s Legislative Committee.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits The Future of the Rule of Law (live webcast, 2.50 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 2.50 0.00 The Future of the Rule of Law (On demand webcast, 2.0 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 2.00 0.00 Join us for the Chicago Bar Association's 150th anniversary event on the topic of The Future of the Rule of Law (HYBRID SEMINAR)
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Voter Rights and Election Protections (live webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Voter Rights and Election Protections (on demand webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 What better time to learn about the history of voting rights and the current state of the law in Illinois and Indiana than in an election year? Attorneys Clifford Helm, Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, and Meredith Zinanni, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, will present on this topic and discuss what challenges and opportunities they expect in the upcoming election.
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- Non-member - $65
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Exploring Financial Success & Well-Being (live webcast, 1.00 IL Mental Health/Substance Abuse PR Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Exploring Financial Success & Well-Being (on demand webcast, 1.00 IL Mental Health/Substance Abuse PR Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 In this program, we will examine our research findings and discuss ways for women to become more engaged in their own financial decision-making and, thus, achieve better balance in life and in legal practice as they work toward their retirement.
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- Non-member - $35
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Rule of Law and DEI (live webcast, 1.75 IL MCLE Diversity/Inclusion PR-Credit) CLE IL 1.75 0.00 Rule of Law and DEI (on demand webcast, 1.75 IL MCLE Diversity/Inclusion PR-Credit) CLE IL 1.75 0.00 Diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) efforts have never been universally accepted within the legal profession. Nevertheless, slow but steady progress was being made. Please join the Chicago Bar Association for a candid discussion about the impact of the SFFA cases and what’s next for DEI efforts in the legal profession. (HYBRID SEMINAR)
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- Non-member - $125
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- CLE Advantage - Free!
- Law Student Member - Free!
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Lawyer Career Reinventions (live webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Lawyer Career Reinventions (On Demand webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Whether you are thinking about changing practice areas, sectors, size of workplace, or your legal career altogether, during this hour you’ll hear from attorneys who have done just that.
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- CLE Advantage - Free!
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Advancing Social Justice Initiatives Through ADR (live webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Advancing Social Justice Initiatives Through ADR (on demand webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 The American Arbitration Association – International Centre for Dispute Resolution (AAA-ICDR), in support of and as part of the CBA D.I.C.E. Initiative (Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, Equity & Engagement), would like to help CBA members learn about social justice focused organizations and how they use ADR to effect change in this second annual program.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits How to Handle Your First Courtroom Appearance (live webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 How to Handle Your First Courtroom Appearance (on demand webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Join the YLS to learn how to adequately prepare for your first courtroom appearance beforehand, what to say, and how to act when you are in court. Speakers will provide tips on navigating both state and federal courtrooms.
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- Non-member - $65
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- CLE Advantage - Free!
- Law Student Member - Free!
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits A Conversation with the City of Chicago Corporation Counsel (live webcast, 0.75 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 0.75 0.00 A Conversation with the City of Chicago Corporation Counsel (on demand webcast, 0.75 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 0.75 0.00 The CBA Civic Committee, DICE Committee and Public Affairs Committee are pleased to welcome Mary Richardson-Lowry, the first African American woman to be appointed Corporation Counsel to the City of Chicago.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits The Future of the Right to Privacy Post-Dobbs (on demand webcast, 1.75 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.75 0.00 This program will provide a historical overview of the legal landscape both pre and post Roe v. Wade. Panelists will discuss the long-term, systematic dismantling of Roe which presaged the eventual decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
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- Non-member - $125
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Practice Basics: Business Development & Growing Your Network (live webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Practice Basics: Business Development & Growing Your Network (on demand webcast, 0.75 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 0.75 0.00 The seminar will be focused on how attorneys can market and develop books of business. The topic is not an item that is ever really discussed in law school; however, the importance of business development is well-understood and bringing in new business sustains a firm. The speakers will discuss how they have developed their books of business in differing fields and types of law firms.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits From Lawyer to Leader (live webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 From Lawyer to Leader (on demand webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Join us to hear from experts and lawyers who help shape leadership workshops that can help in your career progression from newer lawyer to mid-level manager to firm or company leader.
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- Non-member - $35
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- CLE Advantage - Free!
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits The Basics of CBA Legislative Advocacy (live webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 The Basics of CBA Legislative Advocacy (on demand webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Attend this seminar to learn more about this process, including the type of legislation that is typically proposed, how to gage its impact on your practice area, and how to present proposed legislation for review to the CBA’s Legislative Committee.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits A Wholehearted Approach to Attorney Wellness (live webcast, 1.00 IL Mental Health/Substance Abuse PR-MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 A Wholehearted Approach to Attorney Wellness (On Demand webcast, 1.00 IL Mental Health/Substance Abuse PR-MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Seminar will provide an in-depth discussion on why physical and mental health are important to attorney wellness and give practical suggestions participants can use to begin caring for those areas immediately.
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- Non-member - $65
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Law Week 2023: Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration (live webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Law Week 2023: Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration (On Demand webcast, 1.00 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Join us for a seminar led by Professor Steven D. Schwinn, Constitutional Law Professor at UIC Law, to explore the different ways that the Constitution impacts our democracy.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Diversity as a Mindset, Not Just an Initiative (live webcast,1.00 IL Diversity/Inclusion PR-MCLE) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Diversity as a Mindset, Not Just an Initiative (On Demand webcast,1.00 IL Diversity/Inclusion PR-MCLE) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 This course is a practical, interactive seminar focused on how embracing a diversity mindset can lead to more successful outcomes and sustainable solutions.
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Student Debt Forum (Live Webcast, 0.50 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 0.50 0.00 Student Debt Forum (On Demand Webcast, 0.50 IL MCLE Credit) CLE IL 0.50 0.00 Join us to learn about how some attorneys have dealt with student debt in their career so far and to remove the stigma that often surrounds the topic of student debt.
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- Non-member - $90
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- CLE Advantage - Free!
- Law Student Member - Free!
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Includes Credits
Component Credit Type State/Medical Type Available Credits Earned Credits Gender Equity in the Law: Perspectives on Continued and Strategic Growth (live webcast,1.00 IL Diversity/Inclusion PR-MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Gender Equity in the Law: Perspectives on Continued and Strategic Growth (On Demand webcast,1.00 IL Diversity/Inclusion PR-MCLE Credit) CLE IL 1.00 0.00 Panel discussion will include gains in gender equity in the law and new issues confronting gender equity including flexible work schedules, how to deal with macroaggressions and creative strategies to growing your DEI program.
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